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There are 16 words containing SHIFTE

BLUESHIFTEDblueshifted adj. Whose frequency/wavelength has been changed by a blueshift.
BLUESHIFTED adj. of a spectrum, shifted towards the blue.
DOWNSHIFTEDdownshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of downshift.
DOWNSHIFT v. to change gear down.
DOWNSHIFTERdownshifter n. A person who makes a transition to a less pressured or demanding career or lifestyle.
downshifter n. (Engineering) A process, algorithm, etc. that shifts something to a lower level or frequency.
DOWNSHIFTER n. one who reduces his or her working hours.
DOWNSHIFTERSdownshifters n. Plural of downshifter.
DOWNSHIFTER n. one who reduces his or her working hours.
RANKSHIFTEDrankshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of rankshift.
RANKSHIFT v. to shift or be shifted from one linguistic rank to another.
REDSHIFTEDredshifted adj. (Astronomy) (of light and other radiation) Increased in wavelength as a consequence of redshift.
REDSHIFTED adj. of e.g. a star, having its light shifted towards the red.
SCENESHIFTERsceneshifter n. One who moves the scenes in a theatre; a sceneman.
scene-shifter n. A stagehand.
SCENESHIFTER n. a worker who moves the scenes in a theater.
SCENESHIFTERSsceneshifters n. Plural of sceneshifter.
scene-shifters n. Plural of scene-shifter.
SCENESHIFTER n. a worker who moves the scenes in a theater.
SHAPESHIFTERshapeshifter n. (Fantasy, mythology, science fiction) A person or creature capable of changing their appearance or form at will.
shape-shifter n. (Fantasy, mythology, science fiction) Alternative form of shapeshifter.
SHAPESHIFTER n. (in folklore) a creature that has the ability to change its physical form at will.
SHAPESHIFTERSshapeshifters n. Plural of shapeshifter.
shape-shifters n. Plural of shape-shifter.
SHAPESHIFTER n. (in folklore) a creature that has the ability to change its physical form at will.
SHIFTEDshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of shift.
SHIFT v. to move from one position to another.
SHIFTERshifter n. One who, or that which, shifts or changes.
shifter n. (Linguistics) A word whose meaning changes depending on the situation, as by deixis.
shifter n. (Dated) One who plays tricks or practices artifice; a cozener.
SHIFTERSshifters n. Plural of shifter.
SHIFTER n. one who shifts.
TIMESHIFTEDtimeshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of timeshift.
TIMESHIFT v. to enable (a television programme) to be viewed at a time later than that of its original broadcast.
UNSHIFTEDunshifted adj. Not shifted.
UNSHIFT v. to release the shift key on a typewriter.
UPSHIFTEDupshifted v. Simple past tense and past participle of upshift.
UPSHIFT v. to shift an automotive vehicle into a higher gear.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 65 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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