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There are 7 words containing SEROLO

SEROLOGYserology n. The science that studies the blood serum, and especially the reaction between antigens and antibodies in serum.
serology n. The characteristics of the blood serum in a particular disease or organism.
serology n. (Countable, informal) A blood test to detect the presence of, and often to measure the amount of, various…
SEROLOGICserologic adj. Relating to serology.
SEROLOGIC adj. as in serologic typing, a technique based on antibody-antigen reactions, for the identification of pathogenic organisms when morphological differentiation is difficult or impossible, also SEROLOGICAL.
SEROLOGIESserologies n. Plural of serology.
SEROLOGY n. the science of serums.
SEROLOGISTserologist n. One who studies serology.
SEROLOGIST n. one who studies sera.
SEROLOGICALserological adj. Of or pertaining to serology.
SEROLOGICAL adj. as in serological typing, a technique based on antibody-antigen reactions, for the identification of pathogenic organisms when morphological differentiation is difficult or impossible, also SEROLOGIC.
SEROLOGISTSserologists n. Plural of serologist.
SEROLOGIST n. one who studies sera.
SEROLOGICALLYserologically adv. (Medicine) With respect to the analysis of blood.
SEROLOGICAL adv. as in serological typing, a technique based on antibody-antigen reactions, for the identification of pathogenic organisms when morphological differentiation is difficult or impossible, also SEROLOGIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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