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There are 15 words containing SCRAPP

SCRAPPAGEscrappage n. The practice of scrapping something.
scrappage n. (UK) An amount of money paid by the government to a person trading in an old car (to be scrapped) for…
SCRAPPAGE n. allowance for scrap.
SCRAPPAGESscrappages n. Plural of scrappage.
SCRAPPAGE n. allowance for scrap.
SCRAPPEDscrapped v. Simple past tense and past participle of scrap.
scrapped v. Misspelling of scraped.
SCRAP v. to discard.
SCRAPPERscrapper n. A person who disposes of scraps.
scrapper n. A person who fights doggedly, who exhibits indomitable will.
SCRAPPER n. a fighter.
SCRAPPERSscrappers n. Plural of scrapper.
SCRAPPER n. a fighter.
SCRAPPIERscrappier adj. Comparative form of scrappy: more scrappy.
SCRAPPY adj. fragmentary.
SCRAPPIESTscrappiest adj. Superlative form of scrappy: most scrappy.
SCRAPPY adj. fragmentary.
SCRAPPILYscrappily adv. In a scrappy manner.
SCRAPPY adv. fragmentary.
SCRAPPINESSscrappiness n. The state or quality of being scrappy.
SCRAPPINESS n. the state of being scrappy.
SCRAPPINESSESSCRAPPINESS n. the state of being scrappy.
SCRAPPINGscrapping v. Present participle of scrap.
scrapping v. Misspelling of scraping.
scrapping n. The act by which something is scrapped.
SCRAPPINGSscrappings n. Plural of scrapping.
SCRAPPING n. the act of making scrap.
SCRAPPLEscrapple n. A tool for scraping.
scrapple v. To scrape or grub around.
scrapple n. (US, Appalachia, Blue Ridge) A mush of pork scraps, particularly head parts, and cornmeal or flour…
SCRAPPLESscrapples n. Plural of scrapple.
SCRAPPLE n. a mixture of ground meat and cornmeal.
SCRAPPYscrappy adj. Consisting of scraps; fragmentary; lacking unity or consistency.
scrappy adj. (Informal) Having an aggressive spirit; inclined to fight or strive.
scrappy adj. (Informal) (Of a fight) characterised by lots of ungainly or wild punches, grabs, wrestling, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 23 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
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