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There are 12 words containing SANDAL

SANDALsandal n. A type of open shoe made up of straps or bands holding a sole to the foot.
sandal n. Sandalwood.
sandal n. A long narrow boat used on the Barbary coast.
SANDALEDsandaled adj. Alternative spelling of sandalled.
SANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDALFEETSorry, definition not available.
SANDALFOOTSorry, definition not available.
SANDALFOOTSSorry, definition not available.
SANDALINGSANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDALLEDsandalled adj. Wearing a sandal or sandals.
SANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDALLINGSANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDALSsandals n. Plural of sandal.
SANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SANDALWOODsandalwood n. Any of various tropical trees of the genus Santalum, native or long naturalized in India, Australia…
sandalwood n. The aromatic heartwood of these trees used in ornamental carving, in the construction of insect-repellent…
Sandalwood prop.n. (Informal) The Kannada film industry located in Bangalore, Karnataka, India.
SANDALWOODSsandalwoods n. Plural of sandalwood.
SANDALWOOD n. a compact and fine-grained very fragrant East Indian wood; the parasitic tree yielding it.
UNSANDALLEDunsandalled adj. Not sandalled; not wearing sandals.
UNSANDALLED adj. not wearing sandals.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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