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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing STRING

ASTRINGENCESastringences n. Plural of astringence.
ASTRINGENCE n. being astringent, also ASTRINGENCY.
ASTRINGENTLYastringently adv. In the manner of an astringent.
ASTRINGENT adv. contracting, drawing together.
BOWSTRINGINGbowstringing v. Present participle of bowstring.
BOWSTRING v. to strangle with a bowstring.
CONSTRINGENTconstringent adj. Having the quality of contracting, binding, or compressing.
CONSTRINGENT adj. tending to constringe.
CONSTRINGINGconstringing v. Present participle of constringe.
CONSTRINGE v. to draw together; to cause to contract or shrink.
DISTRINGASESdistringases n. Plural of distringas.
DISTRINGAS n. formerly, a writ directing a sheriff or other officer to distrain.
HAMSTRINGINGhamstringing v. Present participle of hamstring.
hamstringing n. An instance of somebody being hamstringed.
HAMSTRING v. to disable by severing the hamstrings.
HEARTSTRINGSheartstrings n. (Obsolete, anatomy) The tendons once thought to brace the heart.
heartstrings n. (Figurative) One’s deepest emotions or inner feelings.
heartstrings n. (Anatomy) The cord-like tendons that connect the papillary muscles to the tricuspid valve and the mitral…
LATCHSTRINGSlatchstrings n. Plural of latchstring.
LATCHSTRING n. a key or string for opening a latched door.
PERSTRINGINGperstringing v. Present participle of perstringe.
PERSTRINGE v. (obsolete) to constrain; to touch on; to censure.
RESTRINGENTSrestringents n. Plural of restringent.
RESTRINGENT n. an astringent.
STRINGBOARDSstringboards n. Plural of stringboard.
STRINGBOARD n. a board that covers the ends of the steps in a staircase.
STRINGCOURSEstringcourse n. (Architecture) A thin projecting course of brickwork or stone that runs horizontally around a building…
string␣course n. Alternative form of stringcourse.
STRINGCOURSE n. a horizontal band or molding set in the front of a building.
STRINGENCIESstringencies n. Plural of stringency.
STRINGENCY n. the state of being stringent.
STRINGHALTEDstringhalted adj. Affected with stringhalt; lame.
STRINGHALTED adj. afflicted with stringhalt, a jerking lameness in which a horse suddenly twitches up its leg or legs.
STRINGPIECESstringpieces n. Plural of stringpiece.
STRINGPIECE n. the heavy squared timber lying along the top of the piles forming a dock front or timber pier.
STRINGYBARKSstringybarks n. Plural of stringybark.
STRINGYBARK n. an Australian tree, a kind of eucalyptus.
SUPERSTRINGSsuperstrings n. Plural of superstring.
SUPERSTRING n. a hypothetical very small one-dimensional particle from which other fundamental particles arise.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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