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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing STATIO

AEROSTATIONaerostation n. (Obsolete) Aerial navigation; the art of raising and guiding balloons in the air.
aerostation n. (Obsolete) The science of weighing air; aerostatics.
AEROSTATION n. ballooning.
ARRESTATIONarrestation n. The act of arresting.
ARRESTATION n. the act of arresting.
ATTESTATIONattestation n. A thing that serves to bear witness, confirm, or authenticate; validation, verification, documentation.
attestation n. A confirmation or authentication.
attestation n. (Business, finance) The process, performed by accountants or auditors, of providing independent opinion…
CRUSTATIONScrustations n. Plural of crustation.
CRUSTATION n. an adherent crust.
DEGUSTATIONdegustation n. Tasting, especially as a form of careful appreciation.
dégustation n. Alternative spelling of degustation.
DEGUSTATION n. the action or an instance of tasting esp. in a series of small portions.
DETESTATIONdetestation n. Hate coupled with disgust; abhorrence.
detestation n. Something detested.
DETESTATION n. extreme dislike.
DEVASTATIONdevastation n. The act of devastating, or the state of being devastated; a laying waste.
devastation n. (Law) Waste or misapplication of the assets of a deceased person by an executor or administrator; devastavit.
DEVASTATION n. ruin, destruction.
ENCYSTATIONencystation n. Encystment.
ENCYSTATION n. the state of being encysted.
FORESTATIONforestation n. The act of planting a forest.
forestation n. The conversion of a habitat to forest.
FORESTATION n. the creation of forest.
GESTATIONALgestational adj. Of or pertaining to gestation.
gestational adj. Of a person or animal: pregnant.
GESTATIONAL adj. relating to gestation, the process of gestating, bearing in the womb, also GESTATIVE.
IMPASTATIONimpastation n. The act of making into paste.
impastation n. That which is formed into a paste or mixture; specifically, a combination of different substances by means of cements.
IMPASTATION n. the act of impasting.
INFESTATIONinfestation n. The presence of a large number of pest organisms in an area or field, on the surface of a host or anything…
INFESTATION n. the state of being infested.
MOLESTATIONmolestation n. The act of molesting.
MOLESTATION n. the act of molesting.
OBTESTATIONobtestation n. (Archaic) The act of obtesting; supplication; protestation.
OBTESTATION n. the act of obtesting.
OUTSTATIONSoutstations n. Plural of outstation.
OUTSTATION n. a remote or outlying station.
PRESTATIONSPRESTATION n. a payment of money; a toll or duty.
REINSTATIONreinstation n. Reinstatement.
REINSTATION n. the act of reinstating, also REINSTATEMENT.
RESTATIONEDrestationed v. Simple past tense and past participle of restation.
RESTATION v. to station again.
SUBSTATIONSsubstations n. Plural of substation.
sub-stations n. Plural of sub-station.
SUBSTATION n. a subordinate or subsidiary station.
WORKSTATIONworkstation n. A desktop computer, normally more powerful than a normal PC and often dedicated to a specific task, such as graphics.
workstation n. An area, at a workplace, for a single worker.
work␣station n. Alternative spelling of workstation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 19 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 2 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 11 words

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