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There are 15 ten-letter words containing SPHERE

AEROSPHEREaerosphere n. (Rare) atmosphere.
AEROSPHERE n. the entire atmosphere surrounding the earth.
ATMOSPHEREatmosphere n. The gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body.
atmosphere n. The air in a particular place.
atmosphere n. (Figuratively) The conditions (Such as music, illumination etc.) that can influence the mood felt in an environment.
BARYSPHEREbarysphere n. The central core of the Earth (or similar planets).
BARYSPHERE n. the area of earth underlying the lithosphere.
BIOSPHERESbiospheres n. Plural of biosphere.
BIOSPHERE n. the plant and animal life on the earth.
ECOSPHERESecospheres n. Plural of ecosphere.
ECOSPHERE n. the biosphere.
EXOSPHERESexospheres n. Plural of exosphere.
EXOSPHERE n. the outermost layer of the earth's atmosphere.
GEOSPHERESgeospheres n. Plural of geosphere.
GEOSPHERE n. the solid part of the earth, as opposed to atmosphere and hydrosphere.
HEMISPHEREhemisphere n. (Astronomy, astrology) Half of the celestial sphere, as divided by either the ecliptic or the celestial equator.
hemisphere n. (Figuratively) A realm or domain of activity.
hemisphere n. (Geography) Half of the Earth, such as the Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Western Hemisphere…
INFOSPHEREinfosphere n. (Computing) The sphere of digital information.
INFOSPHERE n. the business of collecting (esp. electronic) information.
IONOSPHEREionosphere n. The part of the Earth’s atmosphere beginning at an altitude of about 50 kilometers (31 miles) and extending…
ionosphere n. The similar region of the atmosphere of another planet.
IONOSPHERE n. a region of the upper atmosphere.
MESOSPHEREmesosphere n. (Meteorology) The layer of the Earth’s atmosphere that is directly above the stratosphere and directly…
mesosphere n. (Geology) The part of the Earth’s mantle below the asthenosphere and above the outer core.
MESOSPHERE n. a zone in the Earth between 400 and 670 km below the surface separating the upper mantle from the lower mantle.
NOOSPHERESnoospheres n. Plural of noosphere.
NOOSPHERE n. the sum of human knowledge, thought and culture.
PODOSPHEREpodosphere n. (Slang) The collective podcasting community.
PODOSPHERE n. the collective podcasting social network or community.
SPHERELESSsphereless adj. (Poetic) Without a sphere or spheres; planetless.
SPHERELESS adj. without a sphere.
SPHERELIKEspherelike adj. Resembling a sphere.
SPHERELIKE adj. like a sphere.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 14 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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