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There are 11 words containing SYNTE

SYNTENYsynteny n. (Genetics, obsolete, of multiple genes) The condition of being located on the same chromosome or region of genome.
synteny n. (Genetics) The condition of multiple species showing a region of identical gene order.
SYNTENY n. the presence of several genes on the same chromosome.
SYNTENICsyntenic adj. (Genetics, of multiple genes) located on the same chromosome.
SYNTENIC adj. of genes, being on the same chromosome.
SYNTEXISsyntexis n. (Geology) A change in the structure of magma by melting or the assimilation of a different type of rock.
syntexis n. (Medicine) emaciation or wasting away.
Syntexis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Anaxyelidae – wood wasps, with a single species Syntexis libocedrii…
SYNTECTICsyntectic adj. Relating to syntexis.
syntectic adj. (Chemistry) Describing the isothermal reversible transformation of two liquid phases into a single solid…
SYNTECTIC adj. (obsolete) pertaining to syntexis, liquefaction, also SYNTECTICAL.
SYNTENIESsyntenies n. Plural of synteny.
SYNTENY n. the presence of several genes on the same chromosome.
SYNTENOSESSYNTENOSIS n. the connection of bones by tendons.
SYNTENOSISSYNTENOSIS n. the connection of bones by tendons.
SYNTERESESSYNTERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNDERESIS.
SYNTERESISsynteresis n. (Theology, historical) An aspect of one’s conscience by which one can judge wrong from right and decide…
synteresis n. (Medicine, obsolete) Preventive treatment; prophylaxis.
SYNTERESIS n. conscience as a guide to action; intuitive moral knowledge, also SYNDERESIS.
SYNTEXISESSYNTEXIS n. (Greek) the alteration of magma by the melting or assimilation of another rock.
SYNTECTICALsyntectical adj. Relating to syntexis.
SYNTECTICAL adj. (obsolete) pertaining to syntexis, liquefaction, also SYNTECTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 37 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
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