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There are 15 words containing SYNAN

SYNANDRIAsynandria n. Plural of synandrium.
SYNANDRIUM n. a mass of united stamens.
SYNANDRIUMsynandrium n. (Botany) An androecium of which the anthers have been fused.
SYNANDRIUM n. a mass of united stamens.
SYNANDROUSsynandrous adj. (Botany) Having stamen fused along both their filaments and anthers.
synandrous adj. (Botany, rare) Having stamens fused together in any way.
SYNANDROUS adj. having united stamens.
SYNANGIAsynangia n. Plural of synangium.
SYNANGIUM n. a cluster of sporangia which have become fused in development.
SYNANGIUMsynangium n. (Anatomy) The divided part beyond the pylangium in the aortic trunk of the amphibian heart.
synangium n. (Botany) The boat-shaped sorus of certain ferns.
SYNANGIUM n. a cluster of sporangia which have become fused in development.
SYNANONsynanon n. (Historical) A group meeting of the Synanon organization, a drug rehabilitation program that developed…
SYNANON n. a method of group therapy for drug addicts.
SYNANONSsynanons n. Plural of synanon.
SYNANON n. a method of group therapy for drug addicts.
SYNANTHEROUSsynantherous adj. (Botany, uncommon) Having stamens that are fused by the anthers, usually with the filaments not being fused.
SYNANTHEROUS adj. having the anthers united in a tube around the style, as in Compositae.
SYNANTHESESSYNANTHESIS n. synchronous maturity of male and female elements of plant.
SYNANTHESISsynanthesis n. (Botany) The simultaneous maturity of the anthers and stigmas of a blossom.
SYNANTHESIS n. synchronous maturity of male and female elements of plant.
SYNANTHETICSYNANTHETIC adj. showing synanthy, the abnormal fusion of flowers, also SYNANTHIC.
SYNANTHICSYNANTHIC adj. showing synanthy, the abnormal fusion of flowers, also SYNANTHETIC.
SYNANTHIESsynanthies n. Plural of synanthy.
SYNANTHY n. abnormal fusion of flowers.
SYNANTHOUSsynanthous adj. (Botany) Having the flowers and leaves appearing at the same time.
SYNANTHOUS adj. synanthic, flowering and leafing simultaneously.
SYNANTHYsynanthy n. (Botany) the abnormal fusion of two or more flowers.
SYNANTHY n. abnormal fusion of flowers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
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