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There are 19 words containing STINT

STINTstint v. (Archaic, intransitive) To stop (an action); cease, desist.
stint v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To stop speaking or talking (of a subject).
stint v. (Intransitive) To be sparing or mean.
STINTEDstinted adj. (Dated) Constrained; restrained; confined.
stinted v. Simple past tense and past participle of stint.
STINT v. to be niggardly with.
STINTEDLYstintedly adv. In an constrained manner; with restraint or sacrifice.
STINTED adv. STINT, to be niggardly with.
STINTEDNESSstintedness n. The state of being stinted.
STINTEDNESS n. the state of being stinted.
STINTEDNESSESSTINTEDNESS n. the state of being stinted.
STINTERstinter n. One who, or that which, stints.
STINTER n. one who, or that which, stints.
STINTERSstinters n. Plural of stinter.
STINTER n. one who, or that which, stints.
STINTIERSTINTY adj. limited.
STINTINGstinting v. Present participle of stint.
stinting n. Act of one who stints.
STINTING adj. grudging.
STINTINGLYstintingly adv. Sparingly; meanly; without generosity.
STINTING adv. grudging.
STINTINGSstintings n. Plural of stinting.
STINTING n. the act of stinting.
STINTLESSstintless adj. Without stint or restraint.
STINTLESS adj. without stint or restraint.
STINTSstints n. Plural of stint.
stints v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stint.
STINT v. to be niggardly with.
STINTYstinty adj. Stinted; constrained.
STINTY adj. limited.
UNSTINTEDunstinted adj. Not constrained, not restrained, or not confined, great in amount or degree.
UNSTINTED adj. not stinted.
UNSTINTEDLYunstintedly adv. In an unstinted manner.
UNSTINTINGunstinting adj. Generous and tireless with one’s contributions of time, money, etc.
UNSTINTING adj. not restricting or holding back.
UNSTINTINGLYunstintingly adv. In an unstinting manner.
UNSTINTING adv. not restricting or holding back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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