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There are 16 words containing STIBI

COMBUSTIBILITYcombustibility n. The quality or state of being combustible.
COMBUSTIBILITY n. the state of being combustible.
DIGESTIBILITIESdigestibilities n. Plural of digestibility.
DIGESTIBILITY n. the fitness of something for digestion.
DIGESTIBILITYdigestibility n. The degree to which something is digestible.
DIGESTIBILITY n. the fitness of something for digestion.
EXHAUSTIBILITYexhaustibility n. The property of being exhaustible.
EXHAUSTIBILITY n. the state of being exhaustible.
INDIGESTIBILITYindigestibility n. The state of being indigestible.
INDIGESTIBILITY n. the state of being indigestible.
IRRESISTIBILITYirresistibility n. The quality of being irresistible.
IRRESISTIBILITY n. the state of being irresistible.
RESISTIBILITIESresistibilities n. Plural of resistibility.
RESISTIBILITY n. the state of being resistible.
RESISTIBILITYresistibility n. The condition of being resistible.
RESISTIBILITY n. the state of being resistible.
STIBIALstibial adj. Like, or having the qualities of, antimony; antimonial.
STIBIAL adj. pertaining to antimony (stibium).
STIBIALISMstibialism n. (Medicine, dated) antimony intoxication or poisoning.
STIBIALISM n. antimony poisoning.
STIBIALISMSSTIBIALISM n. antimony poisoning.
STIBINEstibine n. (Mineralogy) Stibnite.
stibine n. (Chemistry) Antimony hydride, SbH3; a poisonous gas, sometimes used as a fumigant; any organic derivative…
STIBINE n. antimony hydride, a poisonous gas.
STIBINESstibines n. Plural of stibine.
STIBINE n. antimony hydride, a poisonous gas.
STIBIUMstibium n. (Chiefly obsolete, rare) antimony.
stibium n. Kohl: stibnite used in ancient Egypt and Rome for eye cosmetics.
STIBIUM n. (Latin) antimony.
STIBIUMSSTIBIUM n. (Latin) antimony.
SUGGESTIBILITYsuggestibility n. The property of being suggestible.
SUGGESTIBILITY n. the state of being suggestible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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