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There are 12 words containing STADI

ALPROSTADILalprostadil n. (Pharmacology) Prostaglandin E1, a vasodilatory drug used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction.
ALPROSTADILSSorry, definition not available.
INTERSTADIALinterstadial adj. Between developmental stages.
interstadial adj. (Geology) Of or pertaining to a temporary period of thaw in the middle of an ice age.
interstadial n. Such a period.
INTERSTADIALSinterstadials n. Plural of interstadial.
INTERSTADIAL n. a subdivision within a glacial stage marking a temporary retreat of the ice.
STADIAstadia n. (Surveying) A level staff or graduated rod used by surveyors to measure differences in level, or to…
stadia n. (Military) (historically) A graduated brass triangle used to measure the distance of a target by comparison…
stadia n. Plural of stadion.
STADIALstadial adj. (Geology) Pertaining to a glacial stade.
stadial adj. (Archaeology, sociology) Pertaining to or existing in successive stages of a given culture, society etc.
stadial n. (Geology) A short, colder period within an interglacial; a stade.
STADIALSstadials n. Plural of stadial.
STADIAL n. a single period of colder climate or advancing ice, as a subdivision of a longer glacial period, also STADE.
STADIASSTADIA n. a graduated rod used in measuring distances.
STADIOMETERstadiometer n. A device, having a vertical scale and a movable headboard, for measuring a person’s height.
stadiometer n. A self-recording theodolite.
STADIOMETER n. an instrument that measures the length of curves, dashes, etc., by running a toothed wheel along them.
STADIOMETERSstadiometers n. Plural of stadiometer.
STADIOMETER n. an instrument that measures the length of curves, dashes, etc., by running a toothed wheel along them.
STADIUMstadium n. A venue where sporting events are held.
stadium n. An Ancient Greek racecourse, especially, the Olympic course for foot races.
stadium n. (Historical) Synonym of stadion, a Greek unit of length equivalent to about 185 m.
STADIUMSstadiums n. Plural of stadium.
STADIUM n. a race course, sports ground.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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