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There are 8 words containing SPATU

SPATULAspatula n. A kitchen utensil consisting of a flat surface attached to a long handle, used for turning, lifting, or stirring food.
spatula n. (North America) A kitchen utensil consisting of a flexible surface attached to a long handle, used for…
spatula n. (Dated) A palette knife.
SPATULEspatule n. A spatulate formation.
SPATULE n. (Latin) a broad, blunt, flexible blade or flattened spoon, also SPATULA.
SPATULARspatular adj. Having the form of a spatula.
SPATULAR adj. shaped like a spatula, broad and blunt, also SPATULATE.
SPATULASspatulas n. Plural of spatula.
SPATULA n. (Latin) a broad, blunt, flexible blade or flattened spoon, also SPATULE.
SPATULESspatules n. Plural of spatule.
SPATULE n. (Latin) a broad, blunt, flexible blade or flattened spoon, also SPATULA.
SPATULATEspatulate adj. Shaped like a spatula; having a rounded, flattened extremity.
spatulate adj. (Botany) Of a leaf: having a broad, flat end and tapering into a narrower base.
spatulate v. To treat or mix with a spatula.
CRISPATUREcrispature n. The state of being crispate.
CRISPATURE n. a curling.
CRISPATUREScrispatures n. Plural of crispature.
CRISPATURE n. a curling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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