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There are 10 words containing SONOM

ISONOMEISONOME n. a line connecting points where a species is equally abundant.
ISONOMYisonomy n. Alternative form of isonomia.
ISONOMY n. equality of law, rights or privileges.
ISONOMESISONOME n. a line connecting points where a species is equally abundant.
ISONOMICisonomic adj. The same, or equal, in law or right; one in kind or origin; analogous or similar.
ISONOMIC adj. having equal rights or privileges, also ISONOMOUS.
ISONOMIESisonomies n. Plural of isonomy.
ISONOMY n. equality of law, rights or privileges.
ISONOMOUSisonomous adj. Isonomic.
ISONOMOUS adj. having equal rights or privileges, also ISONOMIC.
SONOMETERsonometer n. An audiometer (device for gauging the hearing).
sonometer n. An instrument for measuring sounds or their intervals by means of a sounding board with strings stretched…
SONOMETER n. a musical instrument having only one string, aka monochord.
FOLKSONOMYfolksonomy n. (Internet, uncountable) The spontaneous cooperation of a group of people to organize information into…
folksonomy n. (Internet, countable) A user-generated taxonomy.
FOLKSONOMY n. a system of classification that makes use of terms that occur naturally in the language of users of the system.
SONOMETERSsonometers n. Plural of sonometer.
SONOMETER n. a musical instrument having only one string, aka monochord.
FOLKSONOMIESfolksonomies n. Plural of folksonomy.
FOLKSONOMY n. a system of classification that makes use of terms that occur naturally in the language of users of the system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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