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There are 14 words containing SONER

SONERISONERI n. (Hindi) a cloth of gold.
SONERISSONERI n. (Hindi) a cloth of gold.
POISONERpoisoner n. A person who poisons something or someone.
POISONER n. one who poisons.
PRISONERprisoner n. A person incarcerated in a prison, while on trial or serving a sentence.
prisoner n. Any person held against their will.
prisoner n. A person who is or feels confined or trapped by a situation or a set of circumstances.
REASONERreasoner n. One who reasons.
Reasoner prop.n. A surname.
REASONER n. one who reasons.
SEASONERseasoner n. One who, or that which, seasons or gives a relish.
seasoner n. A sailor who is hired for a season.
seasoner n. A loafer or beachcomber.
POISONERSpoisoners n. Plural of poisoner.
POISONER n. one who poisons.
PRISONERSprisoners n. Plural of prisoner.
PRISONER n. one that is imprisoned.
REASONERSreasoners n. Plural of reasoner.
Reasoners prop.n. Plural of Reasoner.
REASONER n. one who reasons.
SEASONERSseasoners n. Plural of seasoner.
SEASONER n. one who seasons.
COPRISONERcoprisoner n. A fellow prisoner.
COPRISONER n. a fellow-prisoner.
IMPRISONERimprisoner n. One who imprisons.
IMPRISONER n. one who imprisons.
COPRISONERScoprisoners n. Plural of coprisoner.
COPRISONER n. a fellow-prisoner.
IMPRISONERSimprisoners n. Plural of imprisoner.
IMPRISONER n. one who imprisons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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