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There are 16 words containing SOMOR

ANISOMORPHICanisomorphic adj. Not isomorphic.
ANISOMORPHIC adj. differing in the semantic scope of terms referring to the real world e.g. colours.
ISOMORPHisomorph n. Anything that exhibits isomorphism.
ISOMORPH n. something similar to something else in form.
ISOMORPHICisomorphic adj. (Mathematics) Related by an isomorphism; having a structure-preserving one-to-one correspondence.
isomorphic adj. (Biology) Having a similar structure or function to something that is not related genetically or through evolution.
isomorphic adj. Having identical relevant structure; being structure-preserving while undergoing certain invertible transformations.
ISOMORPHICALLYisomorphically adv. In an isomorphic manner.
ISOMORPHIC adv. of the same form or appearance.
ISOMORPHISMisomorphism n. Similarity of form.
isomorphism n. A one-to-one correspondence.
ISOMORPHISM n. similarity in shape or structure in unrelated forms.
ISOMORPHISMSisomorphisms n. Plural of isomorphism.
ISOMORPHISM n. similarity in shape or structure in unrelated forms.
ISOMORPHOUSisomorphous adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting isomorphism.
ISOMORPHOUS adj. similar in form.
ISOMORPHSisomorphs n. Plural of isomorph.
ISOMORPH n. something similar to something else in form.
MESOMORPHmesomorph n. A person with pronounced muscular development and low body fat.
mesomorph n. (Bodybuilding): Theoretical body type in which a person naturally has lower body fat and greater ability…
MESOMORPH n. a person of muscular body type.
MESOMORPHICmesomorphic adj. Of or pertaining to a mesomorph.
mesomorphic adj. (Chemistry, physics) Of or pertaining to phases of matter intermediate between solid and liquid; of…
MESOMORPHIC adj. being big-boned and muscular.
MESOMORPHIESMESOMORPHY n. the state of being a mesomorph.
MESOMORPHISMmesomorphism n. The condition of being mesomorphic.
MESOMORPHISM n. the state of being mesomorphic.
MESOMORPHISMSMESOMORPHISM n. the state of being mesomorphic.
MESOMORPHOUSmesomorphous adj. Mesomorphic.
MESOMORPHOUS adj. relating to a mesomorph.
MESOMORPHSmesomorphs n. Plural of mesomorph.
MESOMORPH n. a person of muscular body type.
MESOMORPHYmesomorphy n. The condition of being mesomorphic.
MESOMORPHY n. the state of being a mesomorph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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