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There are 9 words containing SLATO

LEGISLATORlegislator n. Someone who creates or enacts laws.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LEGISLATORIALlegislatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a legislator or legislature.
LEGISLATORIAL adj. of or like a legislator.
LEGISLATORSlegislators n. Plural of legislator.
LEGISLATOR n. one that makes laws esp. for a political unit.
LEGISLATORSHIPlegislatorship n. The office or position of a legislator.
LEGISLATORSHIP n. the office of legislator.
LEGISLATORSHIPSlegislatorships n. Plural of legislatorship.
LEGISLATORSHIP n. the office of legislator.
TRANSLATORtranslator n. A person who converts speech, text, film, or other material into a different language. (Contrasted with interpreter.)
translator n. (By extension) One that makes a new version of a source material in a different language or format.
translator n. A computer program that translates something from one language to another using machine translation.
TRANSLATORIALtranslatorial adj. Of or relating to a translator.
TRANSLATORIAL adj. relating to a translator.
TRANSLATORStranslators n. Plural of translator.
TRANSLATOR n. one who translates.
TRANSLATORYtranslatory adj. That translates or transfers.
TRANSLATORY adj. of, relating to, or involving uniform motion in one direction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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