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There are 19 words containing SKELL

MUSKELLUNGEmuskellunge n. A large freshwater gamefish of the pike family, native to the lakes and rivers of eastern and middle…
MUSKELLUNGE n. a North American freshwater fish of the pike family, also MASKALLONGE, MASKALONGE, MASKANONGE, MASKINONGE, MUSKIE.
MUSKELLUNGESmuskellunges n. Plural of muskellunge.
MUSKELLUNGE n. a North American freshwater fish of the pike family, also MASKALLONGE, MASKALONGE, MASKANONGE, MASKINONGE, MUSKIE.
RATHSKELLERrathskeller n. A bar or restaurant in a basement, especially one that serves beer.
RATHSKELLER n. (German) a usually basement tavern or restaurant.
RATHSKELLERSrathskellers n. Plural of rathskeller.
RATHSKELLER n. (German) a usually basement tavern or restaurant.
SKELLskell n. (Slang, US, New York) a homeless person, especially one who sleeps in the New York subway.
skell n. (Slang, US, New York, police jargon) A male suspicious person or crime suspect, especially a street…
skell v. (Slang, intransitive) To fall off or fall over.
SKELLIESKELLIE v. (Scots) to squint, also SKELLY.
SKELLIEDskellied v. Simple past tense and past participle of skelly.
SKELLIE v. (Scots) to squint, also SKELLY.
SKELLIERSKELLY adj. cross-eyed, also SKELLIE.
SKELLIESskellies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of skelly.
skellies n. Plural of skelly.
SKELLIE v. (Scots) to squint, also SKELLY.
SKELLIESTSKELLY adj. cross-eyed, also SKELLIE.
SKELLOCHskelloch v. (Scotland, intransitive) To cry out with a shrill voice.
skelloch n. (Scotland) A squeal.
SKELLOCH v. (Scots) to yell.
SKELLOCHEDskelloched v. Simple past tense and past participle of skelloch.
SKELLOCH v. (Scots) to yell.
SKELLOCHINGskelloching v. Present participle of skelloch.
SKELLOCH v. (Scots) to yell.
SKELLOCHSskellochs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of skelloch.
skellochs n. Plural of skelloch.
SKELLOCH v. (Scots) to yell.
SKELLSskells n. Plural of skell.
SKELL n. (slang) a homeless person who lives on the streets.
SKELLUMskellum n. (South Africa) A rogue.
skellum n. (Obsolete, UK) A scoundrel.
SKELLUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELM, SKELUM.
SKELLUMSskellums n. Plural of skellum.
SKELLUM n. (Scots) a scoundrel, rascal, also SCHELLUM, SCHELM, SKELM, SKELUM.
SKELLYskelly n. (UK, Scotland, dialect) A squint.
skelly v. (Britain, Scotland, dialectal) To squint.
skelly n. (Slang) A skeleton, especially a human one.
SKELLYINGskellying v. Present participle of skelly.
SKELLY v. to squint.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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