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There are 14 words containing SITTI

SITTINEsittine adj. (Zoology, dated) Of or relating to the family Sittidae, or nuthatches.
SITTINE n. any of the nuthatch species in the genus Sitta.
SITTINGsitting n. A period during which one is seated for a specific purpose.
sitting n. A seance or other session with a medium or fortuneteller.
sitting n. A special seat allotted to a seat-holder, at church, etc.
SITTINESSITTINE n. any of the nuthatch species in the genus Sitta.
SITTINGSsittings n. Plural of sitting.
SITTING n. a meeting or session.
BESITTINGbesitting v. Present participle of besit.
BESIT v. (archaic) to suit, to become.
RESITTINGresitting n. (Photography) A second or subsequent sitting.
resitting v. Present participle of resit.
RESITTING n. the act of resitting.
UPSITTINGupsitting n. (Obsolete) A sitting up of a woman after her confinement, to receive and entertain her friends.
UPSITTING n. a sitting up of a woman after her confinement, to receive and entertain her friends.
BEDSITTINGBEDSITTING adj. as in bedsitting room.
OUTSITTINGoutsitting v. Present participle of outsit.
OUTSIT v. to sit longer than.
RESITTINGSresittings n. Plural of resitting.
RESITTING n. the act of resitting.
UPSITTINGSupsittings n. Plural of upsitting.
UPSITTING n. a sitting up of a woman after her confinement, to receive and entertain her friends.
BABYSITTINGbabysitting v. Present participle of babysit.
babysitting n. The work of a babysitter; the care of children in the temporary absence of their parents or guardians.
baby-sitting v. Present participle of baby-sit.
BABYSITTINGSbabysittings n. Plural of babysitting.
baby-sittings n. Plural of baby-sitting.
baby␣sittings n. Plural of baby sitting.
HOUSESITTINGhousesitting v. Present participle of housesit.
house-sitting v. Present participle of house-sit.
house␣sitting v. Present participle of house sit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 115 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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