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There are 11 words containing SITTE

BABYSITTERbabysitter n. A person who cares for one or more babies or children for a short period of time in place of their legal guardians.
baby-sitter n. Alternative spelling of babysitter.
baby␣sitter n. (Rare) Alternative spelling of babysitter.
BABYSITTERSbabysitters n. Plural of babysitter.
baby-sitters n. Plural of baby-sitter.
baby␣sitters n. Plural of baby sitter.
BEDSITTERbedsitter n. Bedsit.
bed-sitter n. Alternative form of bedsit.
BEDSITTER n. a furnished room without a bed, also BEDSIT.
BEDSITTERSbedsitters n. Plural of bedsitter.
bed-sitters n. Plural of bed-sitter.
BEDSITTER n. a furnished room without a bed, also BEDSIT.
HOUSESITTERhousesitter n. Alternative spelling of house-sitter.
house-sitter n. Someone who house-sits.
house␣sitter n. A person who stays in your house to mind it while you are away.
HOUSESITTERShousesitters n. Plural of housesitter.
house-sitters n. Plural of house-sitter.
house␣sitters n. Plural of house sitter.
SITTELLAsittella n. A small passerine bird of the family Neosittidae, found in Australasia.
SITTELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITELLA.
SITTELLASsittellas n. Plural of sittella.
SITTELLA n. a small black-and-white bird, also SITELLA.
SITTENsitten v. (Archaic, UK dialectal) past participle of sit; alternative form of sat.
sitten adj. (UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) Seated.
sitten adj. Settled; stationary; not easily stirred or moved.
SITTERsitter n. Someone who sits, e.g. for a portrait.
sitter n. One employed to watch or tend something; a babysitter, housesitter, petsitter, etc.
sitter n. A participant in a séance.
SITTERSsitters n. Plural of sitter.
Sitters prop.n. Plural of Sitter.
SITTER n. one who sits.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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