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There are 9 words containing SITAR

DEPOSITARIESdepositaries n. Plural of depositary.
DEPOSITARY n. a person with whom anything is left for safekeeping, also DEPOSITORY.
DEPOSITARYdepositary adj. Acting as the trusted recipient of a deposit.
depositary n. One who receives goods or a deposit in trust.
depositary n. A place where deposits are kept.
NECESSITARIANnecessitarian n. Necessarian.
necessitarian n. One who maintains the doctrine of philosophical necessity, in opposition to that of freedom of the will…
necessitarian adj. Of or pertaining to necessity or necessitarianism: opposed to libertarian. The Arminian has entangled…
NECESSITARIANSnecessitarians n. Plural of necessitarian.
SITARsitar n. (Music) A Hindustani/Indian classical stringed instrument, typically having a gourd as its resonating chamber.
Sitar prop.n. A surname.
SITAR n. (Urdu) an Indian musical instrument, also SITTAR.
SITARISTsitarist n. Someone who plays a sitar.
SITARIST n. one who plays the sitar.
SITARISTSsitarists n. Plural of sitarist.
SITARIST n. one who plays the sitar.
SITARSsitars n. Plural of sitar.
Sitars prop.n. Plural of Sitar.
SITAR n. (Urdu) an Indian musical instrument, also SITTAR.
UNIVERSITARIANuniversitarian adj. (Formal) Belonging or relating to, or found or gained in, a university.
universitarian n. (Formal) One who attends a university.
UNIVERSITARIAN adj. belonging to a university.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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