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There are 15 words containing SINOP

EOSINOPHILeosinophil n. (Cytology, immunology) A white blood cell responsible for combating infection by parasites in the body.
eosinophil adj. Alternative form of eosinophilic.
EOSINOPHIL n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHILE.
EOSINOPHILEeosinophile n. Alternative form of eosinophil.
EOSINOPHILE n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHIL.
EOSINOPHILESeosinophiles n. Plural of eosinophile.
EOSINOPHILE n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHIL.
EOSINOPHILIAeosinophilia n. (Medicine) The condition of having a high concentration of eosinophils (eosinophil granulocytes) in the blood.
EOSINOPHILIA n. an abnormal increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.
EOSINOPHILIASeosinophilias n. Plural of eosinophilia.
EOSINOPHILIA n. an abnormal increase in the number of eosinophils in the blood.
EOSINOPHILICeosinophilic adj. (Cytology) That is readily stained with eosin.
eosinophilic adj. (Medicine) Of, pertaining to an eosinophil or to eosinophilia.
EOSINOPHILIC adj. staining readily with eosin, also EOSINOPHILOUS.
EOSINOPHILOUSEOSINOPHILOUS adj. staining readily with eosin, also EOSINOPHILIC.
EOSINOPHILSeosinophils n. Plural of eosinophil.
EOSINOPHIL n. a type of white blood cell, so called because it is easily stained by eosin, also EOSINOPHILE.
SINOPIAsinopia n. A reddish-brown ochre-like pigment, derived from sinople, used in traditional oil painting and as the…
sinopia n. (Art) The rough sketch (executed in sinopia) which underlies a fresco.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.
SINOPIASsinopias n. Plural of sinopia.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.
SINOPIEsinopie n. Plural of sinopia.
SINOPIA n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIS.
SINOPISsinopis n. The pigment sinopia.
SINOPIS n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIA.
SINOPISESSINOPIS n. (Latin) a reddish-brown pigment used for one of the preparatory drawings of a fresco, obtained from sinopite, an iron ore, also SINOPIA.
SINOPITEsinopite n. (Mineralogy) A brick-red ferruginous clay used as red paint in ancient times.
SINOPITE n. an iron ore, from which the pigment sinopia is obtained.
SINOPITESsinopites n. Plural of sinopite.
SINOPITE n. an iron ore, from which the pigment sinopia is obtained.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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