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There are 9 words containing SIENT

SIENTsient n. Obsolete spelling of scion.
SIENT n. (archaic) a scion, also CION, SEYEN, SIEN, SYEN.
SIENTSsients n. Plural of sient.
SIENT n. (archaic) a scion, also CION, SEYEN, SIEN, SYEN.
ASSIENTOassiento n. (Historical) A contract or convention between Spain and other powers for furnishing Negro slaves for…
ASSIENTO n. (Spanish) a treaty, esp. that between Spain and Britain, 1713 for the supply of African slaves for Spanish American dominions.
ASSIENTOSassientos n. Plural of assiento.
ASSIENTO n. (Spanish) a treaty, esp. that between Spain and Britain, 1713 for the supply of African slaves for Spanish American dominions.
TRANSIENTtransient adj. Passing or disappearing with time; transitory.
transient adj. Remaining for only a brief time.
transient adj. (Physics) Decaying with time, especially exponentially.
TRANSIENTStransients n. Plural of transient.
TRANSIENT n. a transient thing or being.
TRANSIENTLYtransiently adv. In a transient manner; momentarily; briefly.
TRANSIENT adv. not lasting long.
TRANSIENTNESStransientness n. The state of being transient.
TRANSIENTNESS n. the state of being transient.
TRANSIENTNESSESTRANSIENTNESS n. the state of being transient.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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