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There are 11 words containing SETIN

BASSETINGbasseting n. (Mining) The upward direction of a vein in a mine.
basseting n. (Mining) The emergence of a stratum at the surface.
basseting v. Present participle of basset.
CLOSETINGcloseting v. Present participle of closet.
closeting n. (Historical) A private conference or interview.
CLOSET v. to enclose in a closet.
CORSETINGcorseting v. Present participle of corset.
CORSET v. to fit with a supporting undergarment.
COSSETINGcosseting v. Present participle of cosset.
cosseting n. The act by which somebody is cosseted or pampered.
COSSET v. to fondle or pamper.
GUSSETINGgusseting v. Present participle of gusset.
gusseting n. Material for making gussets.
GUSSETING n. the act of furnishing with a reinforcing piece of material.
GUSSETINGSgussetings n. Plural of gusseting.
GUSSETING n. the act of furnishing with a reinforcing piece of material.
POSSETINGposseting n. The regurgitation of milk after feeding, in newborn babies.
posseting v. Present participle of posset.
POSSET v. to curdle.
ROSETINGROSET v. (Scots) to coat with rosin.
RUSSETINGrusseting n. Russet (a coarse reddish fabric).
russeting n. Russet (a kind of apple).
russeting n. Early season damage to citrus fruit caused by rust mites.
RUSSETINGSrussetings n. Plural of russeting.
RUSSETING n. a russet apple, also RUSSETTING.
SOMERSETINGsomerseting v. Present participle of somerset.
SOMERSET v. to make a leap in which a person turns his heels over his head and lights upon his fee, also SOMERSAULT, SUMMERSAULT, SUMMERSET.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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