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There are 17 words containing SERIO

HALFSERIOUSLYHALFSERIOUSLY adv. in a partially joking way.
JOCOSERIOUSjocoserious adj. Simultaneously jocular and serious; mixing mirth with serious matters.
joco-serious adj. Alternative form of jocoserious.
JOCOSERIOUS adj. combining serious and humorous matters.
NONSERIOUSnonserious adj. Not serious.
NONSERIOUS adj. not serious.
OVERSERIOUSoverserious adj. Excessively serious.
OVERSERIOUS adj. excessively serious.
OVERSERIOUSLYoverseriously adv. In an excessively serious way.
OVERSERIOUS adv. excessively serious.
SERIOCOMICseriocomic adj. Having both serious and comedic qualities or tendencies.
SERIOCOMIC adj. partly serious and partly comic, also SERIOCOMICAL.
SERIOCOMICALseriocomical adj. Seriocomic.
SERIOCOMICAL adj. partly serious and partly comic, also SERIOCOMIC.
SERIOCOMICALLYseriocomically adv. In a seriocomic manner.
SERIOCOMICAL adv. partly serious and partly comic, also SERIOCOMIC.
SERIOUSserious adj. Without humor or expression of happiness; grave in manner or disposition.
serious adj. Important; weighty; not insignificant.
serious adj. Really intending what is said (or planned, etc); in earnest; not jocular or deceiving.
SERIOUSLYseriously adv. (Manner) In a serious or literal manner.
seriously adv. Gravely; deeply; very much.
seriously adv. Used to attempt to introduce a serious point in a less serious conversation.
SERIOUSNESSseriousness n. The state or quality of being serious.
SERIOUSNESS n. the state of being serious.
SERIOUSNESSESseriousnesses n. Plural of seriousness.
SERIOUSNESS n. the state of being serious.
ULTRASERIOUSultraserious adj. Extremely serious.
ULTRASERIOUS adj. extremely serious.
UNSERIOUSunserious adj. Not serious; characterized by a lack of seriousness (Of attitude, approach, style etc.).
UNSERIOUS adj. not serious.
UNSERIOUSLYunseriously adv. In an unserious way; flippantly, frivolously.
UNSERIOUSNESSunseriousness n. The state or quality of being unserious.
UNSERIOUSNESS n. the state of being unserious.
UNSERIOUSNESSESUNSERIOUSNESS n. the state of being unserious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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