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There are 13 words containing SERGE

SERGEserge n. (Textiles) A type of worsted cloth.
serge n. (By metonymy) A garment made of this fabric.
serge v. (Sewing) To overlock.
SERGEANCIESsergeancies n. Plural of sergeancy.
SERGEANCY n. the office or rank of a sergeant, also SERJEANCY.
SERGEANCYsergeancy n. The rank or office of a sergeant; sergeantship.
SERGEANCY n. the office or rank of a sergeant, also SERJEANCY.
SERGEANTsergeant n. (Military) UK army rank with NATO code OR-6, senior to corporal and junior to warrant officer ranks.
sergeant n. The highest rank of noncommissioned officer in some non-naval military forces and police.
sergeant n. (Law, historical) A lawyer of the highest rank, equivalent to the doctor of civil law.
SERGEANTIESsergeanties n. Plural of sergeanty.
SERGEANTY n. a condition of tenure by service in person to the king, also SERJEANTRY, SERJEANTY.
SERGEANTSsergeants n. Plural of sergeant.
SERGEANT n. a noncommissioned military officer, also SERJEANT.
SERGEANTSHIPsergeantship n. The qualities, role, or position of a sergeant.
SERGEANTSHIP n. the office of sergeant.
SERGEANTSHIPSsergeantships n. Plural of sergeantship.
SERGEANTSHIP n. the office of sergeant.
SERGEANTYsergeanty n. Alternative form of serjeanty.
SERGEANTY n. a condition of tenure by service in person to the king, also SERJEANTRY, SERJEANTY.
SERGEDserged v. Simple past tense and past participle of serge.
SERGED adj. with sewn seams.
SERGERserger n. (Sewing) A type of sewing machine designed to produce an overlock stitch and to cut the fabric as it stitches.
SERGER n. a sewing machine attachment for finishing seams.
SERGERSsergers n. Plural of serger.
SERGER n. a sewing machine attachment for finishing seams.
SERGESserges n. Plural of serge.
SERGE n. a strong twilled worsted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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