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There are 12 words containing SEMES

SEMESsemes n. Plural of seme.
semes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of seme.
SEME n. a type of heraldic pattern.
SEMESTERsemester n. Half of a school year (US) or academic year such as autumn or spring semester.
semester n. A period or term of six months.
SEMESTER n. (Latin) a period of six months; esp. a term in a college or university which divides the year into two terms.
TRISEMEStrisemes n. Plural of triseme.
TRISEME n. (Greek) a type of metrical foot.
GLOSSEMESglossemes n. Plural of glosseme.
GLOSSEME n. the smallest linguistic unit that signals a meaning.
POLYSEMESpolysemes n. Plural of polyseme.
POLYSEME n. a word with more than one meaning.
SEMESTERSsemesters n. Plural of semester.
SEMESTER n. (Latin) a period of six months; esp. a term in a college or university which divides the year into two terms.
SEMESTRALsemestral adj. Synonym of biannual (“half-yearly”).
SEMESTRAL adj. half-yearly, also SEMESTRIAL.
TELESEMEStelesemes n. Plural of teleseme.
TELESEME n. a signalling apparatus with an indicator.
SEMESTEREDsemestered adj. (Education) Operating as a semester school.
SEMESTERED adj. educated according to a Canadian educational system.
SEMESTRIALsemestrial adj. Alternative form of semestral.
SEMESTRIAL adj. half-yearly, also SEMESTRAL.
SEMESTERINGsemestering n. (Education) Operation as a semester school.
SEMESTERING n. (Canadian) a type of educational system.
SEMESTERINGSSEMESTERING n. (Canadian) a type of educational system.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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