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There are 14 words containing SCHIA

ISCHIAischia n. Plural of ischium.
Ischia prop.n. An island in the Bay of Naples.
Ischia prop.n. The major town on this island.
ISCHIALischial adj. Pertaining to the ischium.
ISCHIAL adj. of or pertaining to the ischium or hip, also ISCHIADIC, ISCHIATIC.
ISCHIADICischiadic adj. Obsolete form of ischiatic.
ISCHIADIC adj. of or pertaining to the ischium or hip, also ISCHIAL, ISCHIATIC.
ISCHIATICischiatic adj. Of or pertaining to the ischium.
ISCHIATIC adj. of or pertaining to the ischium or hip, also ISCHIADIC, ISCHIAL.
SCHIAVONEschiavone n. (Historical) A backed, hilted broadsword of the 17th century.
Schiavone prop.n. A surname from Italian.
SCHIAVONE n. (Italian) a basket-hilted broadsword used by the Doge's bodyguard of Slavs.
SCHIAVONESschiavones n. Plural of schiavone.
SCHIAVONE n. (Italian) a basket-hilted broadsword used by the Doge's bodyguard of Slavs.
SAURISCHIANsaurischian n. Any dinosaur of the order Saurischia.
saurischian adj. Characteristic of the dinosaurs of the order Saurischia.
SAURISCHIAN n. any dinosaur of the Saurischia.
WELWITSCHIAwelwitschia n. Welwitschia mirabilis, a desert plant of southwest Africa.
WELWITSCHIA n. a plant of a SW African genus of one species, with one pair of leaves that grow indefinitely.
SAURISCHIANSsaurischians n. Plural of saurischian.
SAURISCHIAN n. any dinosaur of the Saurischia.
WELWITSCHIASwelwitschias n. Plural of welwitschia.
WELWITSCHIA n. a plant of a SW African genus of one species, with one pair of leaves that grow indefinitely.
ZANTEDESCHIAzantedeschia n. Any of the genus Zantedeschia of herbaceous flowering plants in the family Araceae, native to southern Africa.
Zantedeschia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Araceae.
ZANTEDESCHIA n. a plant of the arum family, aka calla lily.
ORNITHISCHIANornithischian n. Any of a group of dinosaurs, of the order Ornithischia, that have hips characteristic of birds.
ORNITHISCHIAN n. any of an order of herbivorous dinosaurs.
ZANTEDESCHIASzantedeschias n. Plural of zantedeschia.
ZANTEDESCHIA n. a plant of the arum family, aka calla lily.
ORNITHISCHIANSornithischians n. Plural of ornithischian.
ORNITHISCHIAN n. any of an order of herbivorous dinosaurs.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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