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There are 20 words containing SCAPI

SCAPIscapi n. Plural of scapus.
SCAPUS n. (Latin) the shaft of a column or feather.
SCAPINGscaping v. Present participle of scape.
SCAPE v. to escape.
ESCAPINGescaping v. Present participle and gerund of escape.
escaping n. The act of one who escapes; an escape.
escaping n. That which escapes or leaks out; an emission.
ESCAPISMescapism n. An inclination to escape from routine or reality into fantasy.
escapism n. A genre of book, film etc. that one uses to indulge this tendency.
escapism n. The performance of an escape artist.
ESCAPISTescapist adj. Intended for or tending toward escape; especially, used to avoid, deny, or forget about reality, as through fantasy.
escapist n. Someone who wants to escape; especially from reality.
ESCAPIST n. one given to escapism.
ESCAPISMSescapisms n. Plural of escapism.
ESCAPISM n. avoidance of reality.
ESCAPISTSescapists n. Plural of escapist.
ESCAPIST n. one given to escapism.
MANSCAPINGmanscaping v. Present participle of manscape.
manscaping n. (Neologism) The practice of, or results from, trimming or shaving a male’s hair, typically other than…
man-scaping v. Present participle of man-scape.
FIRESCAPINGFIRESCAPING n. the act of arranging the features of (a garden or other area of land) in a way that inhibits the spread of fire.
LANDSCAPINGlandscaping n. Improved land (trees, gardens, leveled ground, etc).
landscaping n. The act of improving a landscape.
landscaping v. Present participle of landscape.
LANDSCAPISTlandscapist n. An artist who paints landscapes.
landscapist n. A landscape gardener.
LANDSCAPIST n. an artist who does landscapes.
MANSCAPINGSMANSCAPING n. the act of trimming or removing a man's body hair to enhance appearance.
TOWNSCAPINGtownscaping v. Present participle of townscape.
TOWNSCAPING n. the act of designing a town.
XERISCAPINGxeriscaping n. Landscaping in ways that do not require supplemental irrigation.
xeriscaping v. Present participle of xeriscape.
XERISCAPE v. (tradename) to landscape (an arid place) in a way that conserves by using plants that require little water.
FIRESCAPINGSFIRESCAPING n. the act of arranging the features of (a garden or other area of land) in a way that inhibits the spread of fire.
LANDSCAPINGSLANDSCAPING n. the act of doing various grounds maintenance.
LANDSCAPISTSlandscapists n. Plural of landscapist.
LANDSCAPIST n. an artist who does landscapes.
TOWNSCAPINGSTOWNSCAPING n. the act of designing a town.
RELANDSCAPINGrelandscaping v. Present participle of relandscape.
RELANDSCAPE v. to landscape again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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