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There are 20 words containing SATYR

SATYRsatyr n. (Greek mythology) A sylvan deity or demigod, male companion of Pan or Dionysus, represented as part…
satyr n. (Roman mythology) Synonym of faun.
satyr n. (By extension) A lecherous man.
SATYRASATYRA n. a female satyr, also SATYRESS.
SATYREsatyre n. (Rare or archaic) Alternative spelling of satyr.
satyre n. Obsolete spelling of satire.
SATYRE n. in phrase sea satyre, a Spenserian sea monster.
SATYRSsatyrs n. Plural of satyr.
SATYR n. a Greek god of the woodlands, with a tail and long ears, represented by the Romans as part goat.
SATYRALsatyral n. (Heraldry) A creature with a human head and the limbs of different animals.
SATYRAL n. a heraldic monster compounded of man, lion and antelope.
SATYRASSATYRA n. a female satyr, also SATYRESS.
SATYRESsatyres n. Plural of satyre.
SATYRE n. in phrase sea satyre, a Spenserian sea monster.
SATYRICsatyric adj. Of or pertaining to a satyr.
SATYRIC adj. of satyrs; having a chorus of satyrs, also SATYRICAL.
SATYRIDsatyrid n. Any butterfly of the nymphalid subfamily Satyrinae, formerly the family Satyridae.
SATYRID n. a brownish butterfly.
SATYRALSsatyrals n. Plural of satyral.
SATYRAL n. a heraldic monster compounded of man, lion and antelope.
SATYRESSsatyress n. A female satyr.
SATYRESS n. a female satyr, also SATYRA.
SATYRIDSsatyrids n. Plural of satyrid.
SATYRID n. a brownish butterfly.
SATYRISKsatyrisk n. (Greek Antiquities, rare) A little satyr.
SATYRISK n. a little satyr.
SATYRICALsatyrical adj. Satyric.
SATYRICAL adj. of satyrs; having a chorus of satyrs, also SATYRIC.
SATYRISKSsatyrisks n. Plural of satyrisk.
SATYRISK n. a little satyr.
SATYRLIKEsatyrlike adj. Resembling or characteristic of a satyr.
SATYRLIKE adj. like a satyr.
SATYRESQUEsatyresque adj. Satyrlike.
SATYRESQUE adj. like a satyr.
SATYRESSESsatyresses n. Plural of satyress.
SATYRESS n. a female satyr, also SATYRA.
SATYRIASESsatyriases n. Plural of satyriasis.
SATYRIASIS n. immoderate venereal appetite in the male.
SATYRIASISsatyriasis n. Excessive sexual desire, found in a man.
satyriasis n. The quality of excessive sexual passion in a male.
SATYRIASIS n. immoderate venereal appetite in the male.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 35 words
  • Scrabble in French: 9 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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