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There are 11 words containing SANTI

DISPLEASANTINGDISPLEASANT v. to render unpleasing.
KERSANTITEkersantite n. (Mineralogy) A lamprophyre mineral containing biotite and plagioclase.
KERSANTITE n. a dyke-rock of black mica and plagioclase.
KERSANTITESKERSANTITE n. a dyke-rock of black mica and plagioclase.
PEASANTIERPEASANTY adj. in the style of a peasant.
PEASANTIESTPEASANTY adj. in the style of a peasant.
SANTIMsantim n. A subunit of Latvian currency. 100 santims equal a lat.
santim n. A subunit of Moroccan currency. 100 santims equal a dirham.
santim n. A subunit of Ethiopian currency. 100 santims equal a birr.
SANTIMIsantimi n. Plural of santim.
SANTIMS n. (Latvian) a former coin of Latvia, also SANTIMU.
SANTIMSsantims n. Plural of santim.
SANTIMS n. (Latvian) a former coin of Latvia, also SANTIMU.
SANTIMUsantimu n. Plural of santim.
SANTIM n. a formerly used coin of Latvia, also SANTIMI.
SANTIRsantir n. Alternative form of santur.
SANTIR n. (Arabic) a Persian stringed instrument, also SANTOOR, SANTOUR, SANTUR.
SANTIRSsantirs n. Plural of santir.
SANTIR n. (Arabic) a Persian stringed instrument, also SANTOOR, SANTOUR, SANTUR.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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