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There are 20 words containing SANDP

SANDPITsandpit n. A place or pit from which sand is excavated.
sandpit n. A children’s play area consisting of a large container filled with sand.
sandpit n. (Television) A small-scale illustrative model of the theater of war in the Middle East.
SANDPEEPsandpeep n. A small sandpiper.
SANDPEEP n. (US) any small sandpiper.
SANDPILEsandpile n. A pile of sand.
sandpile n. (Mathematics, computing) Any of several models in which a series of connected nodes interact with their…
SANDPILE n. a pile of sand.
SANDPITSsandpits n. Plural of sandpit.
SANDPIT n. a pit dug in sandy soil.
SANDPUMPsandpump n. Alternative form of sand pump.
sand␣pump n. A long cylinder with valved piston for use in drilling rocks.
SANDPUMP n. a pump for sand or mud.
SANDPAPERsandpaper n. A strong paper coated with sand, ground glass, or other abrasive material for smoothing and polishing.
sandpaper n. A sheet of such paper.
sandpaper v. (Transitive) To polish or grind (a surface) with or as if with sandpaper.
SANDPEEPSsandpeeps n. Plural of sandpeep.
SANDPEEP n. (US) any small sandpiper.
SANDPILESsandpiles n. Plural of sandpile.
SANDPILE n. a pile of sand.
SANDPIPERsandpiper n. Any of various small wading birds of the family Scolopacidae.
SANDPIPER n. any of various smaller waders of the family Scolopacidae.
SANDPUMPSsandpumps n. Plural of sandpump.
sand␣pumps n. Plural of sand pump.
SANDPUMP n. a pump for sand or mud.
SANDPAPERSsandpapers n. Plural of sandpaper.
sandpapers v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sandpaper.
SANDPAPER v. to smooth or polish with sandpaper.
SANDPAPERYsandpapery adj. Resembling sandpaper.
SANDPAPERY adj. rough like sandpaper.
SANDPIPERSsandpipers n. Plural of sandpiper.
SANDPIPER n. any of various smaller waders of the family Scolopacidae.
SANDPAPEREDsandpapered adj. Treated with sandpaper.
sandpapered v. Simple past tense and past participle of sandpaper.
SANDPAPER v. to smooth or polish with sandpaper.
SANDPAINTINGsandpainting n. (Uncountable) The art of pouring coloured sands and pigments onto a surface to make a temporary or permanent picture.
sandpainting n. (Countable) A picture of this kind.
sand␣painting n. Alternative form of sandpainting.
SANDPAPERIERSANDPAPERY adj. rough like sandpaper.
SANDPAPERINGsandpapering v. Present participle of sandpaper.
sandpapering n. An application of sandpaper.
SANDPAPERING n. the act of smoothing or polishing with sandpaper.
SANDPAINTINGSsandpaintings n. Plural of sandpainting.
sand␣paintings n. Plural of sand painting.
SANDPAINTING n. a painting made with sand.
SANDPAPERIESTSANDPAPERY adj. rough like sandpaper.
SANDPAPERINGSsandpaperings n. Plural of sandpapering.
SANDPAPERING n. the act of smoothing or polishing with sandpaper.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
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