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There are 17 nine-letter words containing STRON

ASTRONAUTastronaut n. A member of the crew of a spaceship or other spacecraft that travels beyond Earth’s atmosphere, or someone…
astronaut n. (Hong Kong) A returnee who frequently flies back and forth between Hong Kong and their adopted home country.
ASTRONAUT n. a person engaged in space travel.
ASTRONOMYastronomy n. The study of the physical universe beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, including the process of mapping locations…
astronomy n. (Obsolete) Astrology.
ASTRONOMY n. the study of the celestial bodies and the heavens in all scientific aspects.
CISTRONICcistronic adj. Pertaining to a cistron.
CISTRONIC adj. relating to a cistron, a section of a chromosome which controls a single function.
KLYSTRONSklystrons n. Plural of klystron.
KLYSTRON n. a type of electron tube.
OESTRONESoestrones n. Plural of oestrone.
PLASTRONSplastrons n. Plural of plastron.
PLASTRON n. a fencer's padded breast-shield; the underside of a turtle's shell, also PLASTRUM.
STRONGARMstrongarm adj. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
strongarm v. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
strongarm n. Alternative spelling of strong-arm.
STRONGBOXstrongbox n. A sturdy box with a lock for storing valuables.
STRONGBOX n. a box for holding valuables.
STRONGESTstrongest adj. Superlative form of strong: most strong.
STRONG adj. having great strength.
STRONGISHstrongish adj. Quite strong.
STRONGISH adj. somewhat strong.
STRONGMANstrongman n. Someone who performs feats of strength, sometimes in competitions or in a circus.
strongman n. A forceful or brutal person, usually a ruler or tyrant.
strong␣man n. Alternative form of strongman.
STRONGMENstrongmen n. Plural of strongman.
strong␣men n. Plural of strong man.
STRONGMAN n. a person who performs feats of strength, in a circus etc.
STRONGYLEstrongyle n. A nematode worm of the family Strongylidae, often parasitic in the gastrointestinal tract of mammals…
strongyle n. A monoaxon with a rounded end.
STRONGYLE n. (Greek) a parasitic threadworm, also STRONGYL.
STRONGYLSstrongyls n. Plural of strongyl.
STRONGYL n. (Greek) a parasitic threadworm, also STRONGYLE.
STRONTIANstrontian adj. (Mineralogy) Describing minerals containing strontium.
strontian n. (Mineralogy) A mineral containing strontium.
Strontian prop.n. A small village in Scotland that gives its name to the element strontium and the mineral strontianite…
STRONTIASSTRONTIA n. an oxide of the metal strontium, also STRONTIAN.
STRONTIUMstrontium n. The metallic chemical element (symbol Sr) with an atomic number of 38. It is a soft, reactive, silvery…
strontium n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
STRONTIUM n. a metallic element of the calcium group.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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