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There are 15 nine-letter words containing STRAN

ASTRANTIAastrantia n. Any of the genus Astrantia of herbaceous plants.
ASTRANTIA n. a plant of the Astrantia genus of hardy, perennial umbelliferous plants with showy petallike bracts.
ESTRANGEDestranged v. Simple past tense and past participle of estrange.
estranged adj. Having become a stranger, of one who formerly was close, as a relative, friend, lover, or spouse.
ESTRANGE v. to alienate.
ESTRANGERestranger n. One who estranges.
ESTRANGER n. one who estranges.
ESTRANGESestranges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of estrange.
ESTRANGE v. to alienate.
MESTRANOLmestranol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic estrogen used chiefly in oral contraceptives, in combination with a progestational…
MESTRANOL n. a synthetic oestrogen used in oral contraceptives.
SEASTRANDseastrand n. Synonym of seashore.
SEASTRAND n. the seashore.
STRANDERSstranders n. Plural of strander.
STRANDER n. a machine that twists fibres into rope.
STRANDINGstranding v. Present participle of strand.
stranding n. The act by which somebody is stranded.
STRAND v. to leave in an unfavourable situation.
STRANGELYstrangely adv. In a strange or coincidental manner.
strangely adv. (Archaic) Surprisingly, wonderfully.
STRANGE adv. unusual or unfamiliar, also STRAUNGE.
STRANGERSstrangers n. Plural of stranger.
STRANGER v. to make a stranger.
STRANGESTstrangest adj. Superlative form of strange: most strange.
STRANGE adj. unusual or unfamiliar, also STRAUNGE.
STRANGLEDstrangled v. Simple past tense and past participle of strangle.
STRANGLE v. to choke to death.
STRANGLERstrangler n. Someone who strangles, especially who murders by strangling.
strangler n. An epiphyte whose aerial roots eventually strangle the tree on which it grows.
STRANGLER n. one who stranglers.
STRANGLESstrangles n. A disease of horses caused by an infection by the bacterium Streptococcus equi.
strangles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of strangle.
strangles n. Plural of strangle.
STRANGURYstrangury n. (Pathology) A painful, frequent need to urinate, when the bladder is largely empty or with little urine production.
STRANGURY n. severe pain in the urethra with intense desire to pass urine or painful passage of a few drops of urine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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