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There are 14 nine-letter words containing STANC

CONSTANCYconstancy n. (Uncountable) The quality of being constant; steadiness or faithfulness in action, affections, purpose, etc.
constancy n. (Countable) An unchanging quality or characteristic of a person or thing.
CONSTANCY n. the state of being constant.
DISTANCEDdistanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of distance.
DISTANCE v. to move far from a particular point.
DISTANCESdistances n. Plural of distance.
distances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of distance.
DISTANCE v. to move far from a particular point.
ELASTANCEelastance n. (Physics) An electrical property that is the inverse of capacitance.
elastance n. (Mechanics) The inverse of compliance.
elastance n. (Medicine) A measurement of the tendency of the lung, urinary bladder, gallbladder or other cavity to…
ESTANCIASestancias n. Plural of estancia.
ESTANCIA n. (Spanish) a cattle ranch.
INSTANCEDinstanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of instance.
INSTANCE v. to cite as an example.
INSTANCESinstances n. Plural of instance.
instances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of instance.
INSTANCE v. to cite as an example.
PASTANCESpastances n. Plural of pastance.
PASTANCE n. (archaic) a pastime.
STANCHELSstanchels n. Plural of stanchel.
STANCHEL n. an upright beam, bar or support, also STANCHER, STANCHION.
STANCHERSstanchers n. Plural of stancher.
STANCHER v. to support by means of an iron bar, also STANCHEL, STANCHION.
STANCHESTstanchest adj. Superlative form of stanch: most stanch.
STANCH adj. firm, steadfast, also STAUNCH.
STANCHINGstanching v. Present participle of stanch.
stanching n. (Obsolete) A stanchion.
STANCHING n. the act of stanching.
STANCHIONstanchion n. A vertical pole, post, or support.
stanchion n. A framework of such posts, used to secure or confine cattle.
stanchion v. To erect stanchions, or equip something with stanchions.
SUBSTANCEsubstance n. Physical matter; material.
substance n. The essential part of anything; the most vital part.
substance n. Substantiality; solidity; firmness.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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