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There are 15 nine-letter words containing SPIRI

DISPIRITSdispirits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of dispirit.
DISPIRIT v. to lower in spirits.
INSPIRINGinspiring adj. Providing inspiration; encouraging; stimulating.
inspiring v. Present participle of inspire.
inspiring n. Inspiration.
INSPIRITSinspirits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of inspirit.
INSPIRIT v. to animate or encourage.
RESPIRINGrespiring v. Present participle of respire.
respiring n. An act of respiration.
RESPIRE v. to breathe.
SPIRILLARspirillar adj. Resembling or relating to a spirillum.
SPIRILLAR adj. of or like a spirillum, a rod-shaped bacterium.
SPIRILLUMspirillum n. Any of various aerobic bacteria of the genus Spirillum, having an elongated spiral form and bearing…
spirillum n. Any of various other spiral-shaped microorganisms.
Spirillum prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Spirillaceae.
SPIRITFULspiritful adj. (Now rare) Full of spirit; spirited.
SPIRITFUL adj. full of spirit; spirited.
SPIRITINGspiriting v. Present participle of spirit.
spiriting n. (Literary) The action of a spirit or ghost.
spiriting n. Inspiration.
SPIRITISMspiritism n. Spiritualism.
spiritism n. Alternative form of Spiritism.
Spiritism prop.n. A philosophical doctrine, established in France in the mid nineteenth century, postulating that humans…
SPIRITISTspiritist n. Spiritualist.
spiritist n. Alternative form of Spiritist.
Spiritist n. A follower of Spiritism.
SPIRITOSOspiritoso adv. (Music) In a lively or spirited manner.
SPIRITOSO adv. (Italian) spirited; a direction to perform a passage in an animated, lively manner.
SPIRITOUSspiritous adj. Spirituous.
spiritous adj. High-spirited.
spiritous adj. Of the nature of spirit.
SPIRITUALspiritual adj. Of or pertaining to the spirit or the soul.
spiritual adj. Of or pertaining to God or a place of worship; sacred, pure; (Christianity, specifically) inspired by the Holy Spirit.
spiritual adj. Of or pertaining to spirits; supernatural.
SPIRITUELSPIRITUEL adj. (French) showing refined and witty grace and delicacy.
SUSPIRINGsuspiring v. Present participle of suspire.
SUSPIRE v. to sigh.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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