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There are 8 nine-letter words containing SPILL

OVERSPILLoverspill n. That which spills over.
overspill v. To spill over, to overflow, to spill out of.
OVERSPILL n. the proportion of a population that leaves a district due to housing pressures.
SPILLABLEspillable adj. Capable of being spilled.
SPILLABLE adj. that can be spilt.
SPILLAGESspillages n. Plural of spillage.
SPILLAGE n. that which is spilt, also SPILTH.
SPILLIKINspillikin n. One of the straws (Or small pieces of wood, ivory, etc.) used in the game of jackstraws or spillikins.
SPILLIKIN n. a small slip of wood, ivory, etc., to be picked out from a heap without disturbing the others in the game of spillikins, also SPELLICAN, SPILIKIN.
SPILLINGSspillings n. Plural of spilling.
SPILLING n. the amount spilt.
SPILLOVERspillover n. That which overflows; the excess or side effect.
spillover n. (Epidemiology) The spread of infectious disease between different species of animal and particularly to humans.
spill␣over v. To enter into another zone by way of accident or overcrowding; to overflow.
SPILLWAYSspillways n. Plural of spillway.
SPILLWAY n. a channel for overflow water in a reservoir.
UNSPILLEDunspilled adj. Not spilled.
UNSPILLED adj. not spilled, also UNSPILT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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