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There are 12 nine-letter words containing SLING

BRISLINGSbrislings n. Plural of brisling.
BRISLING n. (Norwegian) a Norwegian sprat.
HOUSLINGSHOUSLING n. the act of administering the Eucharist, also HOUSELING, HOUSELLING.
MUDSLINGSMUDSLING v. to use insults and accusations against a rival candidate.
NOURSLINGnoursling v. Present participle of noursle.
NOURSLE v. (Spenser) to foster, also NOUSELL, NOUSLE, NURSLE.
NURSLINGSnurslings n. Plural of nursling.
NURSLING n. an infant that is being suckled, also NURSELING.
QUISLINGSquislings n. Plural of quisling.
Quislings n. Plural of Quisling.
QUISLING n. (Norwegian) a puppet leader supported by a foreign power.
RIESLINGSrieslings n. Plural of riesling;alternative spelling of Rieslings.
Rieslings n. Plural of Riesling.
RIESLING n. (German) a type of grape grown esp. in Germany; a dry white table wine produced from this.
SLINGBACKslingback n. A type of women’s shoe having a strap behind the heel or ankle.
SLINGBACK n. a shoe without a covering for the heel, supported by a strap round the heel.
SLINGIESTSLINGY adj. denoting a throwing motion which resembles the action of using a sling.
SLINGSHOTslingshot n. (Chiefly US) A Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles.
slingshot n. (Pinball) A stationary, often triangular object that launches any ball that hits its longest side back…
slingshot n. A sling bikini.
WHAISLINGWHAISLE v. (Scots) to wheeze, also WHAIZLE.
WRASSLINGwrassling v. Present participle of wrassle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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