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There are 12 nine-letter words containing SIGNI

ASSIGNINGassigning v. Present participle of assign.
ASSIGN v. to set apart for a particular purpose.
COSIGNINGcosigning v. Present participle of cosign.
co-signing v. Present participle of co-sign.
COSIGN v. to sign jointly.
DESIGNINGdesigning v. Present participle of design.
designing adj. Artful; scheming.
designing n. A process of design.
ENSIGNINGensigning v. Present participle of ensign.
ENSIGN v. to mark with a badge or sign.
INSIGNIASinsignias n. Plural of insignia.
INSIGNIA n. a sign of membership or honour.
OBSIGNINGobsigning v. Present participle of obsign.
OBSIGN v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGNATE.
RESIGNINGresigning v. Present participle of resign.
re-signing v. Present participle of re-sign.
RESIGN v. to give up an office or position.
SIGNIEURSsignieurs n. Plural of signieur.
SIGNIEUR n. (Shakespeare) a lord, esp. of manor, also SEIGNEUR, SEIGNIOR.
SIGNIFICSsignifics n. (Obsolete) A proposed linguistic science based on the use of the exact significance of terms and concepts.
SIGNIFICS n. the science of meaning.
SIGNIFIEDsignified n. (Linguistics, structuralism) The concept or idea evoked by a sign.
signified v. Simple past tense and past participle of signify.
SIGNIFIED n. that which is meant.
SIGNIFIERsignifier n. Something or someone that signifies, makes something more significant or important.
signifier n. (Linguistics) The sound of a spoken word or string of letters on a page that a person recognizes as a sign.
SIGNIFIER n. something that signifies.
SIGNIFIESsignifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of signify.
SIGNIFY v. to make known.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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