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There are 20 nine-letter words containing SHORE

ANGASHOREangashore n. (Newfoundland) A pitiful person; a wretch.
ANGASHORE n. (Irish) a miserable person given to complaining, also ANGISHORE.
ANGISHOREangishore n. (Newfoundland) Alternative form of angashore.
ANGISHORE n. (Canadian) a weak, miserable person, also ANGASHORE.
BACKSHOREbackshore n. (Geology) An upper shore zone above high-tide.
BACKSHORE n. an area of beach.
DOGSHORESdogshores n. Plural of dogshore.
DOGSHORES n. shores used to hold a ship firmly and prevent her moving while the blocks are knocked away before launching.
FORESHOREforeshore n. Synonym of intertidal zone.
FORESHORE n. that part of the shore that lies between the low and high tide marks.
LAKESHORElakeshore n. (Sometimes attributive) The shore of a lake.
LAKESHORE n. the shore of a lake.
LONGSHORElongshore adj. Of, relating to, or living along a seacoast.
longshore adj. (Of a current) Flowing parallel to the shoreline, or diagonal to it, rather than perpendicular to it.
Longshore prop.n. A surname.
NEARSHOREnearshore n. The region extending seaward from the shoreline.
nearshore n. (US, business) Non-US operations located near the US, for example in Mexico or the Caribbean.
nearshore v. (US, business) To move operations to locations near the US, such as Mexico or the Caribbean.
OFFSHOREDoffshored v. Simple past tense and past participle of offshore.
OFFSHORE v. to transfer jobs to another country.
OFFSHORESoffshores v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of offshore.
OFFSHORE v. to transfer jobs to another country.
SEASHORESseashores n. Plural of seashore.
SEASHORE n. land bordering on the sea.
SHOREBIRDshorebird n. A bird, or species of birds, that is found near the edge of bodies of water.
shore␣bird n. Alternative form of shorebird.
SHOREBIRD n. any of various birds that live on the shore or close to water.
SHOREFASTshorefast adj. Held fast (securely) to the shore.
SHOREFAST adj. of ice, attached to the shore, landfast.
SHORELESSshoreless adj. Without a shore, or with no shore in sight; boundless.
SHORELESS adj. without a shore.
SHORELINEshoreline n. The divide between land and a body of water.
shoreline n. The line on a map that illustrates this.
SHORELINE n. the line separating land and water, that fluctuates as water rises and falls.
SHORESIDEshoreside adj. Located on or near a shore.
SHORESIDE n. the area near the shore.
SHORESMANSHORESMAN n. (US) one who dwells on or by the shore, also SHOREMAN.
SHORESMENSHORESMAN n. (US) one who dwells on or by the shore, also SHOREMAN.
SHOREWARDshoreward adj. In the direction of the shoreline, relatively speaking.
shoreward adj. Facing the shore.
shoreward adv. Toward the shore.
SHOREWEEDshoreweed n. A small European plantain, Littorella uniflora, that grows in shallow water or mud at the edges of ponds.
SHOREWEED n. a plant of the plantain family, found on lakesides.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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  • English Wiktionary: 41 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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