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There are 9 nine-letter words containing SEQUE

OBSEQUENTobsequent adj. (Obsolete) Obedient; submissive; obsequious.
obsequent adj. (Geology) Facing the opposite way of what would be expected, for example, a stream flowing towards higher elevation.
obsequent n. (Geology) An obsequent geological feature.
SEQUELISEsequelise v. Alternative spelling of sequelize.
SEQUELISE v. to create a sequel to, also SEQUELIZE.
SEQUELIZEsequelize v. (Transitive, informal) To release a sequel to a work.
SEQUELIZE v. to create a sequel to, also SEQUELISE.
SEQUENCEDsequenced v. Simple past tense and past participle of sequence.
sequenced adj. (Genetics) Whose sequence (of bases or genes) has been determined.
SEQUENCE v. to arrange in order.
SEQUENCERsequencer n. Any device that activates or deactivates the components of a machine or system according to a preplanned…
sequencer n. A device or system that orders and/or modifies digitally stored music and sound for playback.
sequencer n. A device for determining the sequence of monomers in a polymer, especially amino acids in protein, or…
SEQUENCESsequences n. Plural of sequence.
sequences v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sequence.
SEQUENCE v. to arrange in order.
SEQUENTLYSEQUENT adv. following.
SEQUESTERsequester v. To separate from all external influence; to seclude; to withdraw.
sequester v. To separate in order to store.
sequester v. To set apart; to put aside; to remove; to separate from other things.
SEQUESTRAsequestra n. Plural of sequestrum.
SEQUESTRUM n. (Latin) a portion of dead bone which becomes separated from the sound portion, as in necrosis.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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