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There are 11 nine-letter words containing SENTI

ABSENTINGabsenting v. Present participle of absent.
ABSENT v. to take or keep away.
ASSENTINGassenting v. Present participle of assent.
ASSENT v. to express agreement.
ASSENTIVEassentive adj. Giving assent; agreeing.
ASSENTIVE adj. giving assent.
ESSENTIALessential adj. Necessary.
essential adj. Very important; of high importance.
essential adj. (Biology) Necessary for survival but not synthesized by the organism, thus needing to be ingested.
RESENTINGresenting v. Present participle of resent.
RESENT v. to feel affront or ill-will.
RESENTIVEresentive adj. (Rare) Resentful.
RESENTIVE adj. feeling resentment, also RESENTFUL.
SENTIENCEsentience n. The state or quality of being sentient; possession of consciousness or sensory awareness.
SENTIENCE n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCY.
SENTIENCYsentiency n. The property of having sensation; sentience.
SENTIENCY n. the state of being sentient, also SENTIENCE.
SENTIENTSsentients n. Plural of sentient.
SENTIENT n. a person or thing capable of sensation.
SENTIMENTsentiment n. A general thought, feeling, or sense.
sentiment n. (Uncountable) Feelings, especially tender feelings, as apart from reason or judgment, or of a weak or foolish kind.
SENTIMENT n. a thought or body of thought tinged with or influenced by emotion.
SENTINELSsentinels n. Plural of sentinel.
SENTINEL v. to stand guard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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