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There are 18 nine-letter words containing SCALE

DESCALERSdescalers n. Plural of descaler.
DESCALER n. a thing for removing limescale from something such as a tap, kettle or coffee machine.
DOWNSCALEdownscale adj. Being downmarket, of a lower quality.
downscale adj. Of a series of notes, falling in pitch in regular or musical intervals; descending.
downscale v. To reduce in size; to downsize.
GRAYSCALEgrayscale n. (Photography) A printed strip of graduated tones used to check exposure and development times.
grayscale n. (Imaging) The use of black and white, representing color with shades of gray.
grayscale adj. (Imaging) Black and white, representing color with shades of gray.
GREYSCALEgreyscale n. Alternative spelling of grayscale.
greyscale adj. Alternative spelling of grayscale.
greyscale v. Alternative spelling of grayscale.
LIMESCALElimescale n. A white, chalky deposit of calcium carbonate found in kettles, washing machines etc., especially in a hard water area.
LIMESCALE n. a flaky deposit left in containers such as kettles.
MESOSCALEmesoscale adj. Of medium size or extent; between microscale and macroscale.
mesoscale adj. (Meteorology, of a weather phenomenon) Roughly 2-200 kilometers in extent; between microscale and synoptic.
mesoscale n. A scale of intermediate size.
MILLSCALEMILLSCALE n. scale formed on iron or steel from heating for forging.
NANOSCALEnanoscale adj. On a scale measured in nanometers.
nanoscale n. A measuring tool with gradations in nanometers.
nanoscale n. The scale of nanotechnology.
OVERSCALEoverscale adj. Out of scale; much too large for the context in which it exists.
OVERSCALE adj. oversize, also OVERSCALED.
SCALEABLEscaleable adj. Alternative spelling of scalable.
SCALEABLE adj. that can be scaled, also SCALABLE.
SCALEABLYSCALEABLE adv. that can be scaled, also SCALABLE.
SCALELESSscaleless adj. Lacking anything to give a sense of scale; not having a reference for size.
scaleless adj. Of a surface: free from deposits of scale.
scaleless adj. (Botany, zoology) Not having scales.
SCALELIKEscalelike adj. Resembling scales in shape or form.
SCALELIKE adj. like a scale.
SCALEPANSscalepans n. Plural of scalepan.
SCALEPAN n. a pan on a weighing scale.
SCALETAILscaletail n. Any of the scaly-tailed species of flying squirrel, especially the flightless Zenkerella insignis.
SCALETAIL n. a type of squirrel.
SCALEWORKscalework n. Artistic ornamentation resembling the scales of a fish.
SCALEWORK n. imbricated ornament.
SUBSCALESsubscales n. Plural of subscale.
SUBSCALE n. a subdivision of a scale.
TIMESCALEtimescale n. Alternative spelling of time scale.
time-scale n. Alternative form of time scale.
time␣scale n. A series of events used as a rough measure of duration.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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