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There are 12 eight-letter words containing STRES

DESTRESSdestress v. (Transitive) To reduce the stresses in a material.
destress v. (Transitive, intransitive) To reduce the stress in oneself or another person.
destress v. (Transitive) To reduce emphasis.
DISTRESSdistress n. Physical or emotional discomfort, suffering, or alarm, particularly of a more acute nature.
distress n. A cause of such discomfort.
distress n. Serious danger.
EUSTRESSeustress n. (Psychology) A healthful, stimulating kind and level of stress.
eustress v. To cause eustress for someone.
eu-stress n. Alternative spelling of eustress.
FOSTRESSfostress n. A female fosterer.
FOSTRESS n. a woman who feeds and cherishes; a nurse.
INSTRESSinstress n. In the philosophy of Gerard Manley Hopkins, the apprehension or realization of the inscape, or distinctive…
instress v. To apprehend or realize the inscape, or distinctive design, of an object.
INSTRESS v. to create an inner nature.
MISTRESSmistress n. A woman, specifically one with great control, authority or ownership.
mistress n. A female teacher.
mistress n. The other woman in an extramarital relationship, generally including sexual relations.
PIASTRESpiastres n. Plural of piastre.
PIASTRE n. (French) a monetary unit of several Arab countries, also PIASTER.
RESTRESSrestress v. To stress again.
RESTRESS v. to stress again.
STRESSEDstressed v. Simple past tense and past participle of stress.
stressed adj. Suffering stress (either physical or mental).
stressed adj. (Phonetics) Having a stress or accent.
STRESSESstresses n. Plural of stress.
stresses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stress.
STRESS v. to place emphasis on.
STRESSORstressor n. (Psychology, biology) An environmental condition or influence that stresses (i.e. causes stress for) an organism.
STRESSOR n. an agent or factor that causes stress.
UNSTRESSunstress v. (Transitive, intransitive) Not to stress, or to remove the stress from.
unstress n. (Poetry) An unstressed syllable.
UNSTRESS v. to become less stressed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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