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There are 14 eight-letter words containing STERN

ASTERNALasternal adj. (Anatomy) Not sternal; said of ribs that do not join the sternum.
ASTERNAL adj. not sternal, said of ribs which do not join the sternum.
CISTERNAcisterna n. (Biology) Any of the various membranes sections comprising some organelles like the Golgi apparatus…
CISTERNA n. (Latin) a fluid-containing sac.
CISTERNScisterns n. Plural of cistern.
CISTERN n. an artificial reservoir for storing water, esp. one in the roof-space of a house etc.
PASTERNSpasterns n. Plural of pastern.
PASTERN n. the part of horse's foot between the fetlock joint and the upper edge of the hoof.
POSTERNSposterns n. Plural of postern.
POSTERN n. a rear door or gate.
STERNAGEsternage n. (Obsolete, nautical) The stern of a vessel.
STERNAGE n. (Shakespeare) sterns collectively.
STERNESTsternest adj. Superlative form of stern: most stern.
STERN adj. severe.
STERNINGSTERN v. to back, row backwards, also STARN.
STERNITEsternite n. The ventral plate of each segment of an arthropod.
STERNITE n. the ventral plate of a segment in arthropods.
STERNSONsternson n. (Nautical) The end of a ship’s keelson, to which the sternpost is bolted.
STERNSON n. the end of a ship's keelson, to which the sternpost is bolted.
STERNUMSsternums n. Plural of sternum.
STERNUM n. (Greek) a long, flat supporting bone of most vertebrates.
STERNWAYsternway n. (Nautical) A backwards motion of a vessel.
STERNWAY n. the backward movement of a vessel.
TESTERNStesterns n. Plural of testern.
TESTERN v. (Shakespeare) to reward with sixpence.
WESTERNSwesterns n. Plural of western.
Westerns n. Plural of Western.
WESTERN n. a film, book etc. concerned with life in the early west of the USA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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