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There are 6 eight-letter words containing SPONS

RESPONSAresponsa n. A body of written decisions and rulings given by legal scholars in response to questions addressed to them.
RESPONSUM n. (Latin) in rabbinical literature, a written response to a question of doctrine.
RESPONSEresponse n. An answer or reply, or something in the nature of an answer or reply.
response n. The act of responding or replying; reply: as, to speak in response to a question.
response n. An oracular answer.
SPONSINGsponsing n. Alternative form of sponson.
SPONSING n. a platform jutting from ship's deck for gun or wheel, also SPONSON.
SPONSIONsponsion n. The act of becoming surety for another.
sponsion n. An act or engagement on behalf of a state, by an agent not specially authorized for the purpose, or…
SPONSION n. the act of becoming surety for another.
SPONSONSsponsons n. Plural of sponson.
SPONSON n. a platform jutting from ship's deck for gun or wheel, also SPONSING.
SPONSORSsponsors n. Plural of sponsor.
sponsors v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of sponsor.
SPONSOR v. to act as a sponsor.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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