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There are 8 eight-letter words containing SOLAT

DESOLATEdesolate adj. Deserted and devoid of inhabitants.
desolate adj. Barren and lifeless.
desolate adj. Made unfit for habitation or use because of neglect, destruction etc.
INSOLATEinsolate v. (Transitive) To dry in, or expose to, the sun’s rays; to ripen or prepare by such exposure.
INSOLATE v. to expose to the sun's rays.
ISOLATEDisolated adj. Placed or standing apart or alone; in isolation.
isolated adj. Happening or occurring only once.
isolated adj. (Chess, of a pawn) Such that no pawn of the same color is in an adjacent file.
ISOLATESisolates n. Plural of isolate.
isolates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of isolate.
ISOLATE v. to set apart from others.
ISOLATORisolator n. An electrical device that detects short circuits and isolates them.
isolator n. A device that isolates something from the surrounding environment to keep it sterile.
isolator n. A transparent box for holding small live animals.
SOLATINGsolating v. Present participle of solate.
SOLATE v. to convert or be converted from a gel into a sol.
SOLATIONsolation n. The liquefaction of a gel to form a sol.
SOLATION n. liquefaction of a gel.
SOLATIUMsolatium n. (Law) A form of compensation for emotional rather than physical or financial harm.
solatium n. (Figurative) Intangible or emotional compensation.
SOLATIUM n. (Latin) a compensation (as money) given as solace for suffering, loss, or injured feelings.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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