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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing SYNTH

CHEMOSYNTHESESchemosyntheses n. Plural of chemosynthesis.
CHEMOSYNTHESIS n. synthesis of organic compounds (as in living cells) by energy derived from inorganic chemical reactions.
CHEMOSYNTHESISchemosynthesis n. The production of carbohydrates and other compounds from simple compounds such as carbon dioxide, using…
CHEMOSYNTHESIS n. synthesis of organic compounds (as in living cells) by energy derived from inorganic chemical reactions.
CHEMOSYNTHETICchemosynthetic adj. Using or relating to chemosynthesis.
CHEMOSYNTHETIC adj. relating to chemosynthesis.
NARCOSYNTHESESnarcosyntheses n. Plural of narcosynthesis.
NARCOSYNTHESIS n. narcoanalysis directed toward unearthing repressed memories.
NARCOSYNTHESISnarcosynthesis n. A form of narcoanalysis in which the patient is made to recall repressed memories under hypnosis.
NARCOSYNTHESIS n. narcoanalysis directed toward unearthing repressed memories.
PHOTOSYNTHATESphotosynthates n. Plural of photosynthate.
PHOTOSYNTHATE n. a product of photosynthesis.
PHOTOSYNTHESESphotosyntheses n. Plural of photosynthesis.
PHOTOSYNTHESIS n. the biochemical process in which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, and is used to fuel the building of sugar molecules.
PHOTOSYNTHESISphotosynthesis n. (Biology) Any process by which plants and other photoautotrophs convert light energy into chemical energy…
PHOTOSYNTHESIS n. the biochemical process in which light energy is absorbed by chlorophyll, and is used to fuel the building of sugar molecules.
PHOTOSYNTHETICphotosynthetic adj. Of, relating to, or employing photosynthesis.
PHOTOSYNTHETIC adj. relating to photosynthesis.
POLYSYNTHESISMpolysynthesism n. The use of polysynthetic grammar.
POLYSYNTHESISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
POLYSYNTHETISMpolysynthetism n. Synonym of polysynthesis.
POLYSYNTHETISM n. the state of being polysynthetic.
RESYNTHESISINGresynthesising v. Present participle of resynthesise.
RESYNTHESISE v. to synthesise again, also RESYNTHESIZE.
RESYNTHESIZINGresynthesizing v. Present participle of resynthesize.
RESYNTHESIZE v. to synthesize again, also RESYNTHESISE.
SEMISYNTHETICSsemisynthetics n. Plural of semisynthetic.
SYNTHESIZATIONsynthesization n. (Nonstandard) synthesis.
SYNTHESIZATION n. the process of synthesizing, also SYNTHESISATION.
SYNTHETIZATIONsynthetization n. Alternative form of synthesization.
SYNTHETIZATION n. the process of synthetizing, also SYNTHETISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 55 words
  • Scrabble in French: 17 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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