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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing SOMAT

HYDROSOMATOUSHYDROSOMATOUS adj. of or like hydrosomata.
METASOMATISMSmetasomatisms n. Plural of metasomatism.
METASOMATISM n. metamorphism caused chiefly by introduction of fluids and/or ions.
METASOMATOSESMETASOMATOSIS n. change in the composition of a rock or mineral by the addition or replacement of chemicals.
METASOMATOSISmetasomatosis n. (Geology) metasomatism.
METASOMATOSIS n. change in the composition of a rock or mineral by the addition or replacement of chemicals.
OPISTHOSOMATAopisthosomata n. Plural of opisthosoma.
OPISTHOSOMA n. the abdomen of a spider or other arachnid.
PSYCHOSOMATICpsychosomatic adj. (Now rare) Pertaining to both the mind and the body.
psychosomatic adj. (Medicine, psychology) Pertaining to physical diseases, symptoms etc. which have mental causes.
PSYCHOSOMATIC adj. of, relating to, concerned with, or involving both mind and body.
SOMATIZATIONSsomatizations n. Plural of somatization.
SOMATOLOGICALsomatological adj. Relating to somatology.
SOMATOLOGICAL adj. relating to somatology, also SOMATOLOGIC.
SOMATOLOGISTSsomatologists n. Plural of somatologist.
SOMATOLOGIST n. a specialist in somatology.
SOMATOPLASTICSOMATOPLASTIC adj. of or like somatoplasm, protoplasm of the somatic cells.
SOMATOPLEURALsomatopleural adj. (Embryology) Pertaining to the somatopleure; somatopleuric.
SOMATOPLEURAL adj. of or like a somatopleure, also SOMATOPLEURIC.
SOMATOPLEURESsomatopleures n. Plural of somatopleure.
SOMATOPLEURE n. a cellular sheet in some vertebrates that develops into the internal body wall.
SOMATOPLEURICsomatopleuric adj. (Embryology) Pertaining to the somatopleure; somatopleural.
SOMATOPLEURIC adj. of or like a somatopleure, also SOMATOPLEURAL.
SOMATOSENSORYsomatosensory adj. (Biology) Of or pertaining to the perception of sensory stimuli produced by the skin or internal organs.
SOMATOSENSORY adj. of, relating to, or being sensory activity having its origin elsewhere than in the special sense organs (as eyes and ears) and conveying information about the state of the body proper and its immediate environment.
SOMATOSTATINSsomatostatins n. Plural of somatostatin.
SOMATOSTATIN n. a polypeptide neurohormone.
SOMATOTROPHICsomatotrophic adj. That stimulates body growth, especially by producing somatotrophin.
SOMATOTROPHIC adj. promoting bodily growth, also SOMATOTROPIC.
SOMATOTROPHINsomatotrophin n. Alternative spelling of somatotropin.
SOMATOTROPHIN n. a polypeptide growth hormone, also SOMATOTROPIN, SOMATOTROPINE.
SOMATOTROPINEsomatotropine n. Alternative spelling of somatotropin.
SOMATOTROPINSsomatotropins n. Plural of somatotropin.
SOMATOTROPIN n. a polypeptide growth hormone, also SOMATOTROPHIN, SOMATOTROPINE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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