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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing SCRIM

DISCRIMINABLEdiscriminable adj. That can be discriminated or distinguished from others.
DISCRIMINABLE adj. capable of being discriminated.
DISCRIMINABLYdiscriminably adv. So as to be discriminable; distinguishably.
DISCRIMINABLE adv. capable of being discriminated.
DISCRIMINANTSdiscriminants n. Plural of discriminant.
DISCRIMINANT n. a mathematical expression providing a criterion for the behavior of another more complicated expression.
DISCRIMINATEDdiscriminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of discriminate.
DISCRIMINATE v. to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of.
DISCRIMINATESdiscriminates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discriminate.
DISCRIMINATE v. to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of.
DISCRIMINATORdiscriminator n. A person who discriminates or differentiates.
discriminator n. A test or variable, etc. that serves to distinguish between different things.
discriminator n. (Physics) Any of several electronic devices that convert some property of a signal into an amplitude…
SCRIMPINESSESSCRIMPINESS n. the state of being scrimpy, scantness, also SCRIMPNESS.
SCRIMSHANDERSscrimshanders v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of scrimshander.
SCRIMSHANDER v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDY, SCRIMSHAW.
SCRIMSHANDIEDSCRIMSHANDY v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDER, SCRIMSHAW.
SCRIMSHANDIESSCRIMSHANDY v. to ornament, as shells, ivory, etc., by engraving, and (usually) rubbing pigments into the incised lines, also SCRIMSHANDER, SCRIMSHAW.
SCRIMSHANKERSscrimshankers n. Plural of scrimshanker.
SCRIMSHANKINGscrimshanking v. Present participle of scrimshank.
SCRIMSHANK v. to evade work or duty, also SKRIMSHANK.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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